Kuhn Pewter Ornaments Christmas Ornaments
Kuehn started in 1960 as a small family enterprise and has since expanded into a leading world-wide supplier of pewter gifts.
Their production facilities are south of Augsburg in southern Germany employing several dozen artisans in the making of their pewter ornaments and gifts.
Ornament is 2.1 inches
Ornament is 1 1/4 inches high
Ornament is 2 1/8 inches high
Ornament is 2 3/4 inches high
Ornament is 2 inches high
Ornament is 1 7/8 inches high by 2 3/8 inches wide
Ornament is 1 1/8 inches high
Ornament is 1 3/8 inches high
Nativity Pyramid Ornament | $16.00
Nativity Pyramid Ornament
Ornament is 2 5/8 inches high
Ornament is 2 inches high
Ornament is 2 inches high
You may be scratching your head right now as to why on earth we would have an ornament of a chimney sweep carrying a pig but perhaps the four leaf clovers will give you a hint. Yes you guessed it they are considered quite lucky. Even today in Europe they hire themselves out for weddings as bearers of good fortune for the newlyweds.
If you google chimney sweeps luck you'll learn way more than you need to know !
Ornament is 2 1/2 inches high
A more complex ornament as it isn't a single flat piece but has more than a single level to it giving it a 3d look.
Ornament is 2 3/4 inches high
Another layered ornament that features a quartet of angels.